Helping Northeast Florida Organizations Thrive with Lean Thinking


A3 Problem Solving Course


The Jacksonville Lean Consortium is excited to conduct part five of our Lean practitioner certification series on January 6, 2021, live from the First Coast Manufacturer’s Association.

In this session, we’ll cover A3 Problem Solving.

An A3 is a one-page (11 by 17) document that adheres to disciplined, scientific thinking (DMAIC) aiming to guide collaborative problem-solving efforts by helping individuals/teams gather and distill facts in a logical, straightforward format.

A3s not only serve as a structured Lean standard work approach for problem-solving but as a visual roadmap for continuous improvement efforts.

The A3 problem-solving approach enables teams to follow the scientific method and improve their work through experimentation, direct observation, root cause analysis, brainstorming, and implementation, and follow-up.

After completing this training module, participants will:

  • Recognize and distinguish between the 3 major categories of organizational problems.

  • Apply A3 problem solving to impactful areas in their organization.

  • Spot problems and create well-defined problem statements.

  • Grasp the current state of a process.

  • Develop target conditions to improve the current state.

  • Analyze and solve problems at their root cause.

  • Show cause and effect by applying analytical problem-solving tools throughout the A3 (5 Why’s, Pareto charts, Fishbone diagrams, brainstorming).

  • Create, communicate, deploy, and audit improvement initiatives with the goal of achieving an improved future state.

    Lean Jax and FCMA will offer this certification program again in the first quarter of 2021 and A3 Problem Solving is available to Lean Jax members, so please reach out to me for more information!

James Bussell, Executive Director, Jacksonville Lean Consortium