Discover how Pixar Animation Studios and their beloved character Remy from "Ratatouille" exemplify the power of Kaizen—continuous improvement and innovation. Learn how small, consistent enhancements and groundbreaking ideas drive creativity and success in both animation and culinary arts. Uncover the secrets to thriving with Kaizen and innovation.
Read MoreDiscover the power of the CEDAC problem-solving method in this comprehensive visual guide. Learn how to effectively use Cause-and-Effect Diagram Adding Cards (CEDAC) to identify, categorize, and address critical organizational problems. CEDAC enhances traditional fishbone diagrams with color-coded cards, making it a compelling tool for collaborative root cause analysis and brainstorming. This guide covers each step of the CEDAC process, from identifying problems and selecting teams to creating visual diagrams and conducting direct observations at the Gemba. Perfect for improvement teams looking to incorporate CEDAC into the A3/DMAIC structure and achieve continuous, systematic improvement.
Read MoreDuring our Lean Journey at Medtronic Surgical Products in Jacksonville, we developed a robust process to modify and improve individual behaviors. We named this method Red Card/Green Card and found it to be highly effective. I previously discussed the Red Card/Green Card method in my book, Anatomy of a Lean Leader, and will provide a summary below
Read MoreCheck out this clip of the “6S Numbers Game” presented during the Jacksonville Lean Consortium's (Lean Jax) Introduction to 6S Workplace Organization Virtual Workshop on May 31, 2024.
The "Mamba Mentality" embodies the mindset exemplified by NBA legend Kobe Bryant, inspiring individuals across diverse fields to strive for continuous improvement.
Read MoreLet’s take a live look at the digital information flow for a mid-size company during a typical morning.
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