Helping Northeast Florida Organizations Thrive with Lean Thinking


Congratulations to the Certified Lean Practitioners!

On November 22, 2022, Lean Jax had the pleasure of attending the project report outs and presenting Lean practitioner certification to three impressive women from ITEL Laboratories!

(From Left) Tamika Brooks, Karen Boatwright, and Mary Hodapp.

The trio completed separate projects, which included value stream mapping, A3 problem solving, and application of the Lean playbook. Tamika focused on ITEL’s receiving process, Karen targeted first pass yield, and Mary dove into the hard surfaces department; each achieving compelling results. We’ll share more once they send me their A3s! :)

Tamika, Karen, and Mary will join Ron Busby (pictured below) as participants in Lean Jax’s second level of certification training: Lean facilitation. The next level consists of hands-on training in: advanced Lean methods, planning and leading effective rapid improvement events, and driving positive change throughout their enterprise.

This group is serving as ITEL Laboratories’s Lean pioneers, as it looks to accelerate its’ Lean journey and spread it throughout all levels of its’ operation.

From left: James Bussell (Instructor), Tamika Brooks, Karen Boatwright, Mary Hodapp, Ron Busby (Spring 2022 certified Lean practitioner), and Jerry Bussell (Instructor).

Congratulations to Tamika, Mary, and Karen! Lean Jax is thrilled for the opportunity to assist ITEL Laboratories on its’ Lean journey.


  • Our next edition of Lean practitioner certification training begins on January 27, 2023.

  • Please reach out to James Bussell for more information.

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