Purpose Over Profits
Dr. Deming shared this 42 years ago and despite intermittent progress, his proposed paradigm shift hasn't been embraced. Unfortunately, common sense remains uncommon--espcially at the top. Corporate executives can talk all they want about their organization's profound purpose, majestic mission, and vibrant vision, but when "push come to shove," it's "Short-term profits over long-term purpose, baby! Protect thyself at all costs! And how!"
Sure, organizational psychologists and thought leaders like Stephen Covey, Edgar Schein, Simon Sinek, Brené Brown, Adam Grant, among others, have served as much needed evangelists opposing the aformentioned battle cry, but the lack of overall progress is truly disheartening.
What can we do to transform the credo to: "Show your commitment to the company's purpose through your behaviors, take care of your people, they'll take care of your customers, and long-term profitability will follow???”
I don't have the answer, but I recommend that more leaders embrace The Toyota Way's first principle (articulated by Jeffrey Liker): "Base your management decisions on long-term systems thinking, even at the expense of short term, financial goals."
As it was in 1982, that company may just be on to something. They know a thing or two about sustained excellence. It's time for more of corporate America to finally follow suit.
#Toyotaway #TPS #Leanthinking