Helping Northeast Florida Organizations Thrive with Lean Thinking


November 20 Lean Facilitation II Course Information


November 20, 2018

9:00 am-3:00 pm


Northeast Florida Safety Council

1725 Art Museum Drive

Jacksonville, Florida 32207


James Bussell

Jacksonville Lean Consortium


Robert Reid

Mirth Creative Co.


Course Objectives

  1. Provide a concise review Lean Facilitation I and RIE standard work.

  2. Practice Lean facilitator communication skills through hands-on learning exercises.

  3. Play two Lean games and discuss additional learning exercises that facilitators can utilize to teach Lean methods and culture in their continuous improvement initiatives.

  4. Answer any questions and provide feedback on attendees’ upcoming RIE projects.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction

  2. Review of Lean Facilitation Part I

  3. Communication workshop with Robert Reid (two hours

  4. Lean learning activity #1

  5. Lean learning activity #2

  6. Homework Assignment and Discussion

  7. Summary; Plus/Delta

Course Schedule

9:00-9:50 Introduction; Review of Lean Facilitation I

9:50- 9:55 Break

9:55-10:55 Communication Workshop Part I

10:55-11:00 Break

11:00-12:00 Communication Workshop Part I

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:30 Lean Facilitator Activity #1

1:30-1:40 Break

1:40-2:30 Lean Facilitator Activity #2

2:30-2:45 Homework Assignment; Facilitation Tips

2:45-3:00 Wrap Up; Plus/Delta

Course Notes

  • Please be prepared to speak to (1-2 minutes) on the homework assignment from Intro to Lean Facilitation Part I.

  • This course requires active participation and will involve a lot of movement. Please wear comfortable shoes.

  • The Jacksonville Lean Consortium will order lunch for all course attendees.

  • Attendees will receive all the course materials.

The course will be held in a classroom at the Northeast Florida Safety Council, 1725 Art Museum Drive, Jacksonville, Florida, 32207. Please park by building #B and arrive by 8:55 so we can finish on-time. Please feel free to email or call James Bussell at or (904)-742-2547 with any other questions.

trainingJames BussellComment